
It will help your horse understand you. I will come to your horse with a clear and aligned intention. It will reduce confused signals coming from uncontrolled emotions, fear or anticipation.

So the question is why would you take some time to meditate before riding? Don’t we have already so much things to do?

Well it is about:

  • fine-tuning the communication from your horse’s perspective

  • Being aware of your own movement patterns on horseback, especially those which appear to be automatic, interfering movements that blur the conversation with your horse

Your horse is aware of your energy. The energy you carry and the intention that you have behind (and before) any action, is the first way of communication that he receives. It is also the one that prevails over the others, which are body language, sounds and actions. The thing is that most of the times you are not aware yourself of your energy. If there is a misalignment between energy and action, and every dots in between, a sensitive horse can get confused.

Meditation helps aligning the dots: energy - intention - body language - sound (if any) - action, without you needing to worry about the finding the how.

Secondly, meditation helps you be into your body, connected with yourself before you intend to connect with your horse. This way you become also more alert of your own body movements, being able suddenly to distinguish those wanted and conscious, from those parasites and unconscious.

So you can try that for 10-15min before showing up to the stables. your horse will appreciate the consideration!


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